Just Breathe

“She alowed me to be calm and breathe”

Conscious Breathwork

“Being in the presence of Aisling where she holds the space for us, allows us to relax, be calm and breathe into that space of knowing within ourselves.”
– Pat Cole

Over the past 20 years I have trained in many different holistic therapies, yoga & meditation traditions and what every single modality has in common is the importance placed upon the connection to our breath.

Everything in life is cyclical, our day, the sun and moons journey, seasons and years. In order to bring true balance and harmony into your life you must become familiar with these cycles. Including that cycle of the breath.

Once acquainted, your breath can become your best friend and you can learn to harness the power contained within it to navigate through even the toughest of times.

My wish for you is to discover the secrets held within its sounds and rhythms. To have a clear connection and understanding of its energies and how you can benefit from it in your everyday life. Practicing these techniques have seen me through some of my darkest days and I know they will help reduce your stress and anxieties as much as they have helped me and still do.

It’s incredibly empowering to be able to take control of your own emotions and wellbeing, choosing to restore a sense of peace and balance in your life has never been made so easy.

Just Breathe…

Every human has a superpower, it’s called Our breath!

Join me on this Journey of discovery today


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